We have a BIG problem when it comes to unconscious bias: the human mind.

Yes, believe it or not, every human mind is biased, whether it is the mind of the Dalai Lama or Donald Trump.

Meaning every human mind forms opinions and judgments based on a combination of past experiences, hearsay, and influences it has been exposed to over time.

There is nothing intrinsically wrong with bias. We have evolved this way for our survival and protection, in fact – by being able to retrieve our memories and categorize things as “good” and “bad“, we protect ourselves from known dangers and sources of pain.

In this fast-paced, competitive, and stressful society we live in, it’s often convenient to be able to categorize things in this way. Especially because complexity takes time and effort. So judgment seems to serve our need to make quick decisions, be as productive as possible, and get things done.

The problem comes in, however, when we let our biases control our behaviors and actions in a counterproductive way. Our capacity of “judgment” backfires on us, when we begin judging an entire race, or gender, or ethnicity. Or even when we judge an individual we know, based on limited interactions with them.

When we put infinitely complex, nuanced human beings into boxes of “good” and “bad” based on our past interactions. We miss out on opportunities for our own growth and the growth of our organizations.

But as much as we may try, we cannot exactly wipe our brains clean like a slate. We can’t erase our past experiences and memories(without some serious hypnosis and brainwashing, maybe). So what to do?

The 3A Approach

ACCEPTANCE. The first step is to accept that you are biased. You can stop feeling guilty about it. After all, bias is a part of the human experience. As I said, it is our natural, primal instinct to form judgments in order to keep ourselves physically and psychologically “safe.”

AWARENESS. The second step, though, is a commitment to awareness. And this requires slowing down, which many of us aren’t accustomed to doing.

Be aware of your bias and how it affects you, in big and small ways. When you find yourself deciding against working with someone, hiring someone, or even sitting next to someone, recognize that it may be due to a bias. It is due to a belief about them, which may or may not actually be true, but which you have been conditioned to believe. Be aware also of where that conditioning came from. Was it your family? An experience you had in the past? The media? Where and when did this belief form?

ACTION. The final step is action. Meaning now that you have identified your bias, challenge it by acting against it. Do what doesn’t feel natural.

Engage the person who seems to be your total opposite. Who seems to not be the right “fit.” But not on a superficial level. If you can, take the time to really get to know their story. Try to imagine yourself in their shoes. What is something unique about this person that enriches you or teaches you something new? That is the gift you get from going out of your comfort zone.

Train Your Teams

Despite the easy acronym, this is not an easy process, and it takes time. Admitting to ourselves our biases, and then actually changing our behavior doesn’t happen overnight. It requires baby steps, and each step on the journey is valuable. Just becoming aware of bias and where it arose from is itself major progress.

As People leaders, it is our responsibility to develop this competency – in ourselves, in hiring teams, and in the company at large. And it means major changes to processes. It is much more than just checking boxes and ensuring enough minorities are being hired. It requires training your teams to develop awareness of their own biases when identifying candidates. Changing the conversations that they are having with candidates.

Remember, bias cannot be removed, so don’t frustrate yourself trying to remove it. But don’t succumb to it, either. Encourage bias to be challenged and overcome, through 1. Acceptance, 2. Awareness and 3. Action.

Interested in unconscious bias training for your organization? We can help.